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- Written by: Fabrice Asfaux
- Category: Listening
Life Nogging - driverless car explained. Enjoy the video and learn more about driverless cars!
- Hits: 40
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- Written by: Fabrice Asfaux
- Category: Listening
Using your worksheet, try to pick up as many keywords to explain what an associaiton is.
Use the language on your paper as well!😁
Be ready to recap in 1min-1min30 with the language:
Their goal is to + VB
Their main activity consists in + Ving
They specialize in + Ving /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/
Their mission aims to + VB = leur mission a pour but de … /ˈmɪʃn/
They produce …
They focus on + Ving / they focus on + N
They provide… = they offer… /prəˈvaɪd/
They …. in order to / so as to…
- Hits: 129
- Details
- Written by: Fabrice Asfaux
- Category: Listening
Here is the video you have to study. Use your worksheet to complete your keywords with the method you studied😁
Be ready to recap in 1min-1min30 with the language:
Their goal is to + VB
Their main activity consists in + Ving
They specialize in + Ving /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/
Their mission aims to + VB = leur mission a pour but de … /ˈmɪʃn/
They produce …
They focus on + Ving / they focus on + N
They provide… = they offer… /prəˈvaɪd/
They …. in order to / so as to…
- Hits: 101
- Details
- Written by: Fabrice Asfaux
- Category: Listening
Listen and find information. What do you learn about WWOOFING?
- Hits: 116
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- Written by: Fabrice Asfaux
- Category: Listening
Listen to the different employees from Disney. Complete the table given by your teacher.
- Hits: 197
- Details
- Written by: Fabrice Asfaux
- Category: Listening
Here is the document you have to study. Make a 50-word paragraph on your copybooks to answer these two questions:
The document is called "A 100 years of wonder"
- What type of document is it? Justify.
- What are the objectives of this document?
- Hits: 118